Open Course 2012
Medical Industry Innovation Forum
[Theme] Global Management in the Medical Industry
Tetsumon Memorial Hall
(14th Floor, Faculty of Medicine Experimental Research Building)
- Medical Industry Innovation Institute (mi3) member
- Healthcare professionals from medical institutes, academic societies, industries including pharmaceutical and Medical device
- Under- and graduate students (including CMSI students)
- Other professionals with a strong interest in contemporary dynamics in the medical industry
- Regular: 40,000JPY
- Mi3 Member: 26,000JPY (It costs extra, annual membership fee 12,000 yen)
- Student: Free, for 8 lectures.
Japan is the most rapidly aging society in the world and is seeking to establish a new social system to prepare for an unprecedented condition for all nations. This demographic reality demands novel and sustainable medical solutions including technologies and services to control ever-increasing costs, while balancing the need to provide access to safe, quality care. How Japan copes with the necessity to control national health care expenditure is of interest to policy makers around the world. While each country faces unique hurdles  regulatory, economic, cultural  the challenges they face are remarkably similar.
The demand for new “Medical Solutions” within a new holistic healthcare framework is broadly accepted. However, there is an increasing sentiment that the necessary transformations are being delayed. From a strategic perspective, this is due to the difficulties of balancing conflicting interests and agenda between the different stakeholders. This has downstream impact with delays in reforming the regulation environment; and creating new and trained professional staff.
Japan was the original, global leader in elemental technology and advanced science that supported the medical industry, but it is not now involved in developing new products and services that are valued in the market. It has been mooted that Japan wanted to take this opportunity and move further up the value chain to provide a total solution. This would be achieved by reviewing the contemporary market needs from the standpoint of patients/consumers and to discuss how healthcare-social system should be reconstructed. To this end, Japan could contribute towards the development of a large medical industry strategy by inviting the world’s intellectual / leadership and management resources to Japan, which would act as a catalyst to bring back their business in Japan.
This year, in this course, we will share the vision of top leaders who each plays pivotal roles in the emerging new healthcare industry (medicine, medical equipment, medical treatment, ICT and social systems). It is hoped that such discussions can enhance realizing the necessary innovation among the multiple and interested constituencies.
Forum office within Medical Innovation Industry Institute
Tel: +81-3-5842-3363
Presented by the University of Tokyo Global COE program “Center for Medical System Innovation (CMSI)” (Course Manager: Pharmaco-Business Innovation), sponsored by Medical Industry Innovation Forum.

Hiromichi Kimura
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical
SciencesThe University of Tokyo

Teruyuki Katori
Pension Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Sebastian Guth
President & CEO
Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.

Atsushi Amano
Department of Cardiovascular
Faculty of Medicine
Juntendo University

Yoshihiko Hatanaka
Representative Director
President and CEO
Astellas Pharma Inc.

Hiroshi Komiyama
President Platinum Network
Chairman of the Institute
Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
President Emeritus
The University of Tokyo

Takashi Shoda
Representative Director, Chairman

Noritaka Uji
NTT Corporation

Toshiki Nakayama
Senior Vice President
Managing Director
Frontier Services Department
NTT Do Co Mo, Inc

Tadataka Yamada
Member of the Board
Chief Medical & Scientific Officer
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Shigeru Tsuyuki
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation

Tatsumi Yamazaki
Deputy President
Member of the Board
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Tamotsu Hiiro
Johnson & Johnson K.K.

Hirotsugu Shinkawa
Budget Examiner
Budget Bureau,
Ministry of Finance Japan

Mitsuaki Kamata
Economic Affairs Division
Health Policy Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Yoichiro Matsumoto
Executive Vice President
Secretary General, Office of Medical Innovation,
Cabinet Secretariat Government of Japan

Norihiko Ishiguro
Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)